Transform a 'Can't Do' Attitude To a 'Can Do' Attitude by Utilising Positive Aff
Recently I have discussed and helped utilise 'positive affirmation statements' to assist individuals dealing with difficult situations within their lives and felt it would be a great topic for discussion here. It is also gives greater insight of one of the tips mentioned within the 'Anger Management' article.
Positive affirmation statements are phrases, sentences and messages to yourself that are written down, placed in an area where you will see it regularly and eventually memorise that help you maintain a goal focused attitude toward achieving the things that are important within your life. They are positive statements that describe a desired situation and are repeated when seen or remembered until they get impressed on the subconscious mind. From a psychological level the statement enables the mind to strive and to work on your behalf, to make the positive statement come true.
Often you will come across people that state "That's just too hard" or " I can't do that" using negative words and statements concerning the situations and events in their lives, that consistently lead to undesirable or failed outcomes. The things you tell yourself determines whether they are going to bring good or harmful results. It is what is deemed as a 'Self fulfilling prophecy' where your subconscious mind accepts as true what you say to yourself.
Why not choose only positive statements, in order to get positive results? Statements like; "I am rational and stay calm when angry", "I focus on what I need to achieve when performing (rather than the Hazards) or "I am focused and prepared for an amazing holiday" will transform your negative attitude and can ultimately reshape your external life.
Constructing and Using Affirmations
Choose affirmations that are not too long, type it out and place in an area you will see often, especially an area you use to chill out.
Construct without negative connotations the things you want to achieve rather than what you don't want to happen, e.g. "I don't want to be fat' rather "I am going to achieve ...Kg weight loss".
Use affirmations in the present tense, not the future tense. It is more effective to say "I am" rather than "I will" as it instils the mindset of this is who I am rather than what I could be.
Repeat the affirmation in special 10 minute sessions (maybe in the chill out space) a couple of times a day and every time your mind is not engaged in something important, but do not affirm when driving or crossing a street.
Stay as relaxed as you can and if possible play some background music that you use regularly that compliments the affirmation.
Pay full attention to the words in the affirmation as strong faith in them will bring faster results. Fully commit to seeing and feeling it as true, irrespective of your current circumstances as this will attract the goal it into your life.
It is important to understand that repeating positive affirmations for a few minutes, and then thinking negatively the rest of the day, neutralizes the effects of the positive words. If you want to get positive results you have to refuse to think negative thoughts.
By using positive affirmations I am not saying that everything will come true all of the time, I am saying that if you totally believe in what you want to achieve it will occur most of the time. The amazing thing is that although you might not fully achieve the goals of an affirmation, it will have helped push you further to something you want. A new and more aspiring affirmation you WILL attain rather than INTEND to attain can be subsequently devised from the original affirmation.
If you find it difficult to stay positive during competitive sport or within your day to day functioning, give me a call or drop me an email to learn more about acquiring affirmation skills to increase self-esteem and be more goal directed. I can review your lifestyle, examine your thought processes and behaviours and introduce skills and actions such as helping you construct positive affirmations and develop productive steps to achieving your goals.