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Sports Psychological Skills Coaching
Elite Athlete Career & Education Consulting

B.Appl.Soc.Sci (Sports Psychology/Counselling)
Grad.Cert. (Career Counselling for Elite Athletes)
I am the founder and principle consultant of Accomplished Athlete, which is an independent counselling service that predominantly assists elite junior athletes in the area of psychological skills training, lifestyle and career management. My services also include career advice, conflict/anger management, stress and anxiety counselling to the general public.
It 's Not The Mountain We Conquer, But Ourselves.
Sir Edmund Hillary
To assist athletes with problematic thoughts and Behaviours that occur while performing that restrict them from achieving their goals.
To establish a clear vocational pathway for individuals in an area that they find invigorating that can be accommodated within their present sporting demands.
To help individual's confront situations within their life that are causing stress, anxiety and anger, allowing them to grow into responsible and self-directed adults.
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